Michael Jordan was cut from his varsity basketball team in high school … and went on to become the greatest athlete of his generation.

J.K. Rowling was basically homeless … and went on to write the most popular fiction series of all time.

Steve Jobs was fired from his own company … and went on to create one of the most recognizable brands in history.

Every person struggles. What makes someone successful is not that they never make mistakes. It’s how they receive mistakes. 

We used to have a poster up at our school that said, “The difference between stepping stones and stumbling blocks is how you use them.” I love that phrase. Two people may encounter the same challenge, but one trips over while the other uses it to grow & improve.

When I first started my Black Belt testing, I was not at all ready. 6 months later when I got to test again, I hadn’t taken the time to prepare. I was disappointed & frustrated. But I then threw myself into practice more than I ever had before. Not passing my test twice became a stepping stone to Black Belt & beyond. Those challenges have shaped who I am today.

It’s not about whether or not you encounter challenges – because you will. It’s about what you do when you face them. When there’s a problem in front of you, ask, “Is this a stepping stone or a stumbling block?” and then take that next step towards your goal.