I want you to imagine 2 friends – we’ll call them Bill & George. They are super similar, but they have very different friend groups.

Bill’s friend group is full of confident people. They all work hard at the things they do, they believe in themselves, they know they can do hard things.

George’s friend group is full of people who are always saying things like, “I can’t do this. You’re trying too hard. I don’t think we should try that.” 

Who do you think is going to be more confident? Bill & his friends! Their confidence is contagious. They encourage each other to work hard. They challenge each other to do more than they believe capable. And they inspire each other to be their absolute best. 

George’s friend group is also contagious, but it’s a lack of confidence. 

The people we hang out with is super important. Do they encourage us? Do they challenge us? Do they inspire us? And this is super important, too? Am I being that friend, too? Is my confidence contagious?

The people I surround myself with is super important!