Imagine that you are faced with a dragon. You’re trying to get somewhere and the dragon is in your way. You have a few options:

  • You can turn & run the other way.
  • You can hide & pretend it isn’t there.
  • OR you can stand up straight with your shoulders back & face the dragon head on. 

Now, here’s the thing: This dragon isn’t nearly as scary as you think it is, but it looks big & frightening. Your body is screaming “Run away! Hide! We don’t really need to go over there. This is stupid!” 

But, you decide to do it differently. You walk right up to the dragon, face it head on. In your brain, you are saying “Bring it on!” It’s scary, you don’t know what is going to happen. But you know that if you don’t face it, the dragon will only get bigger & scarier. So you decide to face it. And it works! It gets out of your way and you can continue along your journey.

We don’t face real life dragons, BUT we do face challenges everyday. Some of our biggest challenges are like that dragon. That could be a difficult class at school, a test at karate, you not getting along with a friend or sibling. Every time we run or hide, it doesn’t go away. The problem only gets bigger! 

The only way to face  & overcome that challenge is to stand up straight with your shoulders back, smile, and say, “Bring It On!”