Imagine this: You are walking down a path. You’re trying to get this super valuable thing – we’ll call it a pot of gold! 

You get a fork in the road. The first path is the easy path: It’s all flat, there are lots of benches, there’s sunshine & rainbows, they give you free cupcakes – so easy! 

The second path is the hard path. You have to climb mountains and descend into valleys. At times, it’s dark & cloudy. You have to fight ninjas & swim across shark-infested waters. It’s not for the faint of heart!

Which path do you think leads to the pot of gold? The hard path! Our life is the exact same way. Everything that makes life worth living is down the hard path. 

Here’s the thing: When we make easy choices, our life becomes hard. If I only eat junk food, that’s an easy choice. But I’ll become sick & unhealthy, which makes my life hard. If I never practice martial arts, that’s an easy choice. But I won’t progress or pass my tests, which makes life hard. 

When I make hard choices, our life becomes easier. When I decide to do the hard thing and eat healthy food, I feel better and I stay healthy. When I decide to practice martial arts instead of sitting at home and not doing anything helpful, I pass my tests and I become a better martial artist. 

So the next time you face that fork in the road, will you take the easy road or the hard road?