Many of us have strong perfectionistic tendencies. And those aren’t always bad! That can drive us to strive for excellence. But if we don’t learn to put it in its proper context, it can become a roadblock.

A few weeks ago, one boy came in and got off to a rough start. No fault of his own, it was just an off day. Though he passed his test, he was disappointed in himself. He didn’t feel it was his best. What I told him was along the lines of, “Hey, it’s okay. Not every day can be our best day!” He came in today, shrugged off his frustration, and nailed it.

The Lesson: Striving to always be your best is good – it’s essential! But we also can’t beat ourselves up every time we mess up. It’s impossible for everyday to be your best day ever. You don’t hit a PR at the gym every day. The stock market doesn’t go up every day. We all have off days – and that’s okay!